File Activity Blocking

File activity blocking is an IT security measure aimed at safeguarding data and systems by controlling and limiting actions performed on files and data. It prevents unauthorized or malicious activities like data theft, malware attacks, and unauthorized access. This is achieved through security policies and technology tools like access controls, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems.

Common applications include stopping data leaks, thwarting malware from altering or stealing files, preventing unauthorized users or applications from accessing sensitive data, and defending against ransomware attacks. Organizations define policies that dictate what actions are permitted and what is prohibited, thus striking a balance between security and usability.

File activity blocking contributes to data integrity and confidentiality, essential components of information security, by monitoring and controlling file-related actions. It also aids in compliance efforts and provides an audit trail for security investigations. In today's digital landscape, effective file activity blocking is vital to protect against evolving cyber threats.

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